Chiefs of European Navies (CHENS) 2008 meeting

Friday, May 09, 2008

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CHENS 2008 meeting took place in Varna, Bulgaria, from 8 to 9 May 2008, hosted by the Bulgarian Navy. Chiefs of Naval Staffs of 22 member Navies took part. Observers Admiral Gary Roughead – US CNO, Admiral Fitzgerald – COMUSNAVEUR, Rear Admiral Jan Van der BURG - Deputy Director General and COS of EU MS and Rear Admiral Salva Moreno from NATO IMS attended as well. Chiefs of Naval Staffs of Albania and Croatia participated too. The working session on 9 May was opened by the recent CHENS chairman, Vice Admiral Minko Kavaldzhiev, who warmly welcomed the participants and emphasised the importance of this forum for promoting mutual understanding and tackling the key issues of maritime domain.

Discussions during the conference focused on the following main topics:

-Maritime Security Operations
-Maritime Strategy Dialog
-NATO Maritime Situational Awareness
-Maritime Interdiction Operations
-North Atlantic Coast Guard Forum
-EU Maritime Dimensions
-European Maritime Cooperation with Africa

The US CNO, Admiral Gary Roughead addressed the audience on subject of USN new strategy and Global Maritime Partnerships Concept.

According to the agreed action plan three Working Groups within CHENS will continue implementing programmes of work in the following areas: Maritime Security Operations WG (MSO WG), led by Grate Britain; Maritime Strategy Dialog WG (MSD WG), led by Germany and newly established Maritime Cooperation with Africa WG (MCA WG), led by France.

As a traditional event a European Seminar for Young Officers (ESYO) will be held from 2 to 6 June 2008, hosted by the Royal Swedish Navy. The subject to be explored at the seminar is “Naval Leadership”.

The meeting in Varna marked the end of Bulgarian chairmanship of CHENS which passes to Cyprus Navy for one year on.

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