The Chiefs of European Navies (CHENS) meet in Greece

Monday, May 13, 2013

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The AJEMA represented the Spanish Navy at the Chiefs of European Navies Forum
The AJEMA represented the Spanish Navy at the Chiefs of European Navies Forum
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The AJEMA represented the Spanish Navy at the Chiefs of European Navies Forum
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The Forum promotes mutual understanding, dialogue and cooperation among Navies as a key factor for stability in the maritime domain

The Chiefs of European Navies forum is made up of the Chiefs of Staff of 25 European NATO and/or EU Navies. They met in Greece on May 9th and 10th. This country holds the presidency for 2012-13. The meeting was also attended by representatives from the United States, NATO and the European Union.

This group, set up in 1990, gathers annually to foster mutual understanding, dialogue and cooperation among Navies as a key factor for stability in the maritime domain.

The Spanish Navy was represented by the Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral Jaime Muñoz-Delgado, accompanied by the Chief of his Inner Cabinet, Colonel Antonio Planells.

During the meeting, the general working lines of last year were discussed, like the lessons learnt in operations, strategic communication, the importance of the sea for the development and prosperity of the nations, the contribution of Navies to maritime security and policies on personnel management.


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