The Spanish Navy patrol boat ‘Infanta Elena’, supported by the ‘Serviola’, has proceeded to identify, visit and force out off the coast of Malaga the Togo-flagged research ship ‘Endeavour’. The ship was allegedly carrying out unauthorized archaeological heritage errands in Spanish territorial waters (Alboran Sea).
The ‘Endeavour’ was being followed from the Maritime Action Surveillance and Operations Center in Cartagena from September 2012. She was detected last week sailing towards the Strait of Gibraltar. At dawn, on May 26th, after having detected suspicious activities following standard wreckage search patterns, the order was given to intercept the vessel. After a visit, the ship was instructed to abandon the area.
The ‘Endeavour’ was escorted to Algeciras by the ‘Infanta Elena’. Custody was subsequently transferred to the Guardia Civil with which Spanish Navy patrol boats coordinate its activities.
The ‘Endeavour’, detected last October carrying out similar activities, belongs to the same company as the ‘Seaway Invincible’ which was visited and expelled from the same area by the patrol boat ‘Infanta Cristina’ in December.