The Spanish Navy has 10,000 followers in Twitter

Friday, August 23, 2013

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The Spanish Navy’s first tweet was published on May 28th 2012
The Spanish Navy’s first tweet was published on May 28th 2012
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The Spanish Navy’s first tweet was published on May 28th 2012

On May 28th 2012 the Spanish Navy published its first Twitter message (tweet) in this social networking service through the account @armada_esp. With this service, a new dissemination instrument of naval culture was established, adding to the existing Web contents in the site: (

Fifteen months later, the account has 10,000 followers which show the interest of our fellow citizens for the activities of the Spanish Navy, and encourages us to continue with our communication endeavors in this respect.

With its 1,253 tweets, the Spanish Navy has informed society of its more noteworthy operations, cultural and institutional events, and those important anniversaries which have shaped and forged the history of Spain and the Spanish Navy.

The participation of the Spanish Navy in Twitter, Youtube and Flickr is in the line with the General Guidelines enacted by the Chief of Naval Staff. One of them states that ‘It is important for the Spanish Navy to promote communication strategies to make itself known to society. The more they get to know us, the more they will appreciate the work we do. By opening our doors to Spanish society we intend to gain prestige and transmit the relevance and importance of our missions, strengthening our identity and the satisfaction of being part of this Institution’.


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