The Spanish Navy kick-starts the amphibious exercise GRUFLEX 61

Monday, November 14, 2016

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Heliborne assault during GRUFLEX 61
Heliborne assault during GRUFLEX 61
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Heliborne assault during GRUFLEX 61
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Deployment of vehicles
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Members of a rifle company

Amphibious assault ships (LPD and LHD), frigates, minehunters, aircraft, combat divers and the Marine Corps Brigade are currently training in Cadiz, Almería and the Balearic Islands as part of the advanced amphibious exercise GRUFLEX 61.

The exercise will be conducted by the Naval Action Commander, Vice-admiral Manuel Garat with participation of the LHD ‘Juan Carlos I’, LPD ‘Galicia’; frigates ‘Blas de Lezo’, ‘Numancia’ and ‘Victoria’; minehunters ‘Segura’, ‘Sella’, ‘Turia’ and ‘Duero’; 1,200 Spanish marines, elements from the Spanish Army and Air Force and several units from the Portuguese Navy (a submarine and a Marine Corps Company).

The first stage of the exercise contemplates the planning and analysis of a fictitious scenario. The second stage, with all the units fully deployed, will test the different capabilities to project the power ashore to manage and successfully settle the supposed crisis.

Exercise GRUFLEX 61

GRUFLEX 61 is a combined amphibious exercise designed to enhance training levels of the planning and execution procedures of amphibious operations with projection of naval power ashore as a response to a fictitious crisis.


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