The minehunter ‘Segura’ (M-31) returns home after integrating into one of NATO’s Standing Groups in the Mediterranean.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

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COMTEMECOM greets the ship’s crew.
COMTEMECOM greets the ship’s crew.
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COMTEMECOM greets the ship’s crew.
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Crew welcomed by family members.
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The crew on the bow of the M-31

The minehunter ‘Segura’ (M-31) and her crew returned to Cartagena Naval Base after having integrated into NATO’s Standing Mine Countermeasures Group number Two (SNMCMG-2) for more than three months.

With this deployment, Spain underlines its commitment with NATO’s mine countermeasures (MCM) force, and also with international security and stability.

In this sense, the ‘Segura’ has sustained a high level of readiness, always prepared to operate as part of the MCM ‘Noble Shield’ mission and the anti-terrorist operation ‘Sea Guardian’.

As part of the SNMCMG-2, currently under Hellenic Navy’s command, the ‘Segura’ performed successfully during the advanced international exercises ‘OLIVES NOIRES’, ‘ESP MINEX’ and ‘ITA MINEX’. There were also several opportunity exercises with other naval units from Italy, Greece, France and Turkey.

The return of the minehunter ‘Segura’ marks a further milestone in the Spanish Navy's continued cooperation and commitment to international operations and NATO's endeavors to ensure peace and security in the Mediterranean Sea.


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