The America’s Cup visits the Spanish Navy’s Headquarters

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

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The AJEMA and CEO of the America’s Cup with the trophy
The AJEMA and CEO of the America’s Cup with the trophy
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The AJEMA and CEO of the America’s Cup with the trophy
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The AJEMA and CEO of the America’s Cup with the trophy
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Speech of Mr. Grant Dalton, CEO of the America’s Cup

Meeting between the Chief of Staff of the Spanish Navy and the CEO of the America’s Cup.

Admiral General Antonio Piñeiro Sánchez, Chief of Staff of the Spanish Navy (AJEMA) and the CEO of the America’s Cup, Grant Dalton, met yesterday at the Navy Headquarters after the official presentation of the America’s Cup at the Mandarin Oriental Ritz Hotel in Madrid that same morning.

During the meeting, Admiral General Piñeiro expressed the great honor for the Spanish Navy to be able to keep the prestigious Cup for a few hours. He underlined the maritime character of Spain and the importance of the sea for the prosperity of the country, recalling the crucial role of the Navy in opening the first maritime trade routes globally.

For his part, Mr. Grant Dalton remembered his time as a student, when he admired the exploits of the Spanish Navy and dreamed of a day like this. He highlighted the admiration he has always had for the history and achievements of Spanish sailors.

The Spanish Navy and the Sail.

Seamanship training is essential for Navy personnel, especially for officers and non-commissioned officers and ratings of the Maneuver and Navigation specialty. The practice of sailing is crucial during their training, as it provides a deep knowledge of the sea, the environment in which you develop your career, and it strengthens essential qualities such as teamwork, trust, commitment, responsibility, leadership, discipline and responsiveness.

Participating in regattas and sailing activities involves practicing a sport that allows you to assess what you have learned at the naval academy and is very demanding from the physical and psychological point of view.

The America’s Cup

The America’s Cup is the oldest international sporting trophy, dating back to 1851. It is considered one of the most difficult sporting challenges. The New York Yacht Club held the trophy for 132 years until Australia won it in 1983. Since then, teams from the United States, Switzerland and New Zealand have been the only winners. The current defender of the trophy of this 37th edition of the Louis Vuitton America’s Cup is the Emirates Team New Zealand, representing the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron.

The 37th edition of the America’s Cup will be held between August and October of this year in Barcelona. The event will take place in the heart of the city, from Port Vell to Port Olímpic, and promises to be one of the most intense editions in the competition’s 174-year history.


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