The SAR ship ‘Neptuno’ returns to Cartagena after a successful deployment in Tunisia

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

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Personnel from the Tunisian Navy and Spanish MCM divers
Personnel from the Tunisian Navy and Spanish MCM divers
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Personnel from the Tunisian Navy and Spanish MCM divers
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Training on board the ‘Neptuno’
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A diving lesson with Tunisian Navy personnel
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Divers from both nations under water

On June 17th, the search and rescue (SAR) ship ‘Neptuno’ (A-20) returned to her home base in Cartagena (SE Spain) after a series of cooperative security exercises with the Tunisian Navy.

During the deployment, the personnel on board the ‘Neptuno’ and divers from the mine countermeasures (MCM) unit advised and trained members of the Tunisian Navy in order to strengthen their naval capabilities and enhance regional maritime security.

This Cooperative Security Activity is framed within the Bilateral Cooperation Plan established with Tunisia for the first half of 2024 in areas related to diving activities.

The participation of the Spanish Navy in these international collaboration activities underlines its commitment with global security and stability. These missions not only reinforce the operational capabilities of allied navies, but also promote mutual understanding and cooperation among friendly nations.


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