The LPD ‘Galicia’ Rescues a Shipwrecked Man off the Coast of Cantabria.

Friday, July 05, 2024

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The LPD ‘Galicia’ sailing in Cantabrian waters
The LPD ‘Galicia’ sailing in Cantabrian waters
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The LPD ‘Galicia’ sailing in Cantabrian waters

In the early hours of yesterday morning, the Spanish Navy's Amphibious Ship ‘Galicia’ rescued a German citizen in the waters of the Cantabrian Sea who had been sailing alone in an 11-meter sailboat when his vessel collided with a semi-submerged object, causing a leak that he was unable to control, and finally leading to the sinking of the ship.

The shipwrecked man was rescued and received medical attention on board the ‘Galicia’.

Thanks to the coordination with ‘Salvamento Marítimo’ (Maritime Rescue), at 02:30 hours the German citizen was transferred to a ‘Guardia Civil’ (Gendarmerie) patrol boat and taken to Bilbao. The rescued man expressed his deep gratitude to the Spanish Navy for their quick and professional intervention.


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