Minehunter ‘Tajo’ (M-36) starts an operational deployment under NATO’s command.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

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The ‘Tajo’ departing Cartagena Naval Base.
The ‘Tajo’ departing Cartagena Naval Base.
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The ‘Tajo’ departing Cartagena Naval Base.
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The ‘Tajo’ departing Cartagena Naval Base.
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Bidding farewell to the ‘Tajo’.

On Monday, September 9th the minehunter 'Tajo' set sail from Cartagena Naval Base to begin her deployment in Operation ‘Noble Shield’ integrated into one of NATO's standing groups, the mine countermeasures group number 2 (SNMCMG-2).

The participation of the ‘Tajo’ in these operations strengthens the national commitment to the mission of deterrence and shared defense, and contributes to the unity and interoperability of NATO forces. With the participation of this unit in a NATO operational group, the Spanish Navy demonstrates it is a modern, technologically advanced, motivated and well-trained Naval Service with the will to defend national and Allied interests when so required.

Over the next few months, the SNMCMG-2 will sail in waters of the Mediterranean Sea, carrying out mine countermeasures operations to guarantee freedom of navigation, and participating in multinational exercises to increase its high readiness and availability. In addition, during its deployment, the Group will contribute to back Operation ‘Sea Guardian’, whose main goal is the fight against illicit activities at sea.

The ‘Tajo’, under command of Lieutenant-Commander Gonzalo Muñoz-Delgado is the sixth unit of the ‘Segura’-class minehunters. During this mission, her crew -including personnel from the MCM Diving Unit and a paramedic officer- consists of 46 people, men and women who form a team specialized in the detection, classification and destruction/neutralization of sea mines. To this end, the vessel has a variable depth sonar and two underwater vehicles as the main means to conduct these tasks.


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