The offshore patrol vessel ‘Atalaya’ successfully concludes her MSO mission in the Strait of Gibraltar and Alboran Sea.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

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The ‘Atalaya’ alongside the INS ‘Tabar’.
The ‘Atalaya’ alongside the INS ‘Tabar’.
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The ‘Atalaya’ alongside the INS ‘Tabar’.
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The ‘Atalaya’ sailing along the Spanish coast.
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The ‘Atalaya’ near the Alboran Island.
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Exercises with Special Operations MC personnel.
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The ‘Atalaya’ conducting exercises with a ship of the Japanese Navy

The offshore patrol vessel (OPV) ‘Atalaya’ set sail last Wednesday, August 14th from the Ferrol Military Station to carry out a maritime surveillance and security operation (MSO) in the waters of the Strait of Gibraltar and the Alboran Sea. Integrated into the operational structure of the Armed Forces under the control of the Operations Command, the ship's mission was to guarantee security in the maritime spaces of national sovereignty, to supervise maritime traffic and protect the most important sea lines of communication in the area.

In the course of her mission, the ‘Atalaya’ operated in waters near Alboran Island and the sovereign places of North Africa, also contributing to the protection of underwater archaeological heritage and areas of special environmental protection. In addition, the ship's crew carried out training drills with the Marine Corps’ Special Operations Team.

During her transit through Malaga, the ‘Atalaya’ coincided with the Indian Navy ship ‘INS Tabar’, which allowed for an exchange of experiences with the navy of that country. The Spanish ship also participated in joint maritime exercises with naval units from Japan.

After completing a journey of 4,555 nautical miles during 26 days at sea, the ‘Atalaya’ returned to Ferrol (NW Spain) last Sunday, having successfully completed her mission. This vessel, which belongs to the Maritime Action Force, plays a crucial role in protecting Spain's maritime interests.


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