The AOR ‘Cantabria’ to integrate into one of NATO’s Maritime Groups

Monday, September 30, 2024

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The AOR ‘Cantabria’ sailing off to her deployment
The AOR ‘Cantabria’ sailing off to her deployment
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The AOR ‘Cantabria’ sailing off to her deployment
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The Commander of the 31st Surface Squadron delivering a speech

The auxiliary oiler and replenishment ship (AOR) ‘Cantabria’ left her home port in Ferrol (NW Spain) last September 27th to integrate into the Standing NATO Maritime Group No. 2 (SNMG-2) until the beginning of December.

The SNMG-2 is a permanent naval group of the Atlantic Alliance deployed in the Mediterranean Sea. It is the core element of NATO’s Very High Readiness Maritime Task Force operating within the framework of Operation ‘Noble Shield’ as part of the response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

With this deployment, Spain and the Armada underline their commitment with the Alliance as well as the solidarity with the rest of NATO’s member states, supporting the tasks of deterrence and collective defense, at sea and from the sea.

The AOR ‘Cantabria’, under command of Cdr. Manuel Romero and with a complement of 170 men and women, is one of the two logistic support vessels of the 31st Surface Squadron.


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