The offshore patrol vessel (OPV) ‘Tornado’ participates in Exercise REPMUS-24

Thursday, October 03, 2024

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Deployment of the UUV ‘Fula’ with the ‘Tornado’ in the background
Deployment of the UUV ‘Fula’ with the ‘Tornado’ in the background
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Deployment of the UUV ‘Fula’ with the ‘Tornado’ in the background
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Crew of the OPV ‘Tornado’ deploying the USV ‘Kaluga’
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UAV ‘Alpha 900’ operating from the OPV’s flight deck

The offshore patrol vessel (OPV) ‘Tornado’ has arrived at Rota Naval Base after having participated from September 16 to 26 in Exercise REPMUS-24 (Robotic Experimentation and Prototyping with Maritime Unmanned Systems), in the Troia peninsula (Portugal).

The main objective of REPMUS-24 was experimentation with unmanned systems in maritime operations. 26 Navies from different neighboring countries have participated, as well as 36 sector-related companies and numerous NATO and EU institutions, among them NATO STO CMRE (NATO Science and Technology Organization Center for Maritime Research and Experimentation), NATO MUSI (NATO Maritime Unmanned Systems Initiative) or the EDA (European Defense Agency).

During her participation in REPMUS-24, the ‘Tornado’ carried out different exercises in Maritime Security Operations (MSO), Maritime Situational Awareness (MSA) and Maritime Interdiction Operations (MIO), among others, mainly using three indigenous unmanned systems which were integrated into the vessel’s systems: USV "Kaluga", UAV "Alpha 900" and UUV "Fula". This means that in addition to controlling the vehicles from on board, each of them integrated into the ship's own Combat System (SCOMBA). Moreover, all this information was pictured in real time at the Maritime Operations Centre (MOC) on land. NAVANIA's Naval Advanced Integrated Autonomous Vehicles Defense System (NAIAD) played a leading role in being able to integrate unmanned systems into the ship's Combat System.

REPMUS-24 provided a unique opportunity for operational testing, and the results have been promising. The greatest challenge was the integrated operation of systems and the merging of all the information obtained. Unmanned systems have had a multiplying effect on the ship's capabilities. They demonstrated a lot of potential, being able to project sensors at a distance from the ship, for a long time and without personnel being exposed. One vehicle was uninterruptedly deployed for more than 12 hours.

Up to eight Spanish companies participated aboard the OPV ‘Tornado’ in the exercise. Apart from the unmanned systems companies UTEK (USV ‘Kaluga’), Alpha Unmanned Systems (UAV ‘Alpha 900’) and Sub-Sea Mechanotrics (UUV ‘Fula’, Navantia also participated with (NAIAD), Hisdesat (satellite transmission of NAIAD data), and Telefónica (5G bubble), ETRAIR, which is a UxV detector and Contra UAS rifle (C-UAS) and ATL (C-UAS rifle).

To operate the unmanned systems, up to 17 civilians from different companies embarked on the ‘Tornado’ during the REPMUS-24 exercise.

It is worth highlighting the embarkation of two divers from the Mine Countermeasures Force (FMCM) to support the operations of the UUV ‘Fula’, designed specifically for mine hunting operations and exploration tasks in underwater environments. This UUV was controlled from the ‘Tornado’ via 5G, which allows mine disruption operations to be carried out from a safe distance.


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