Frigate ‘Santa María’ relieves her sister ship ‘Numancia’ in Operation ATALANTA.

Friday, October 18, 2024

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The ‘Santa María’ conducting a PASSEX with the Greek ship ‘Kanaris’.
The ‘Santa María’ conducting a PASSEX with the Greek ship ‘Kanaris’.
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The ‘Santa María’ conducting a PASSEX with the Greek ship ‘Kanaris’.
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The ‘Santa María’ and ‘Numancia’ in the port of Djibouti.
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The ‘Santa María’ crossing the Suez Canal.

On October 15, the frigate ‘Santa María’ (F-81) took command of Operation ATALANTA relieving the frigate ‘Numancia’ in a ceremony that took place in Djibouti. This is the fifth time the ‘Santa María’ participates in the EU-led Operation ATALANTA and will be the flagship of the Force Commander, a Portuguese admiral who will be in command of the mission until February 2025.

During the transit to Djibouti, the ‘Santa María’ conducted several PASSEX-type exercises with allied and friendly navies including one with the Hellenic frigate ‘HS Kanaris’ and another with the Egyptian frigate ‘Al Fateh’. The F-81 also conducted a replenishment at sea (RAS) with the US Navy ship ‘Medgar Evers’ before crossing the Suez Canal.

As soon as the F-81 arrived at the area of operations, she set sail to take part in the first patrol mission with the Force Headquarters (FHQ) onboard. This relief symbolizes the continuity of the Armada’s efforts to combat piracy in the Indian Ocean, maintaining a constant and effective presence in this operation.

It should be noted that, during her transit to Djibouti, the ‘Santa María’ completed 39 years of service in Spain, an anniversary that coincides with the creation of the 41st Escort Squadron, made up of several frigates of her class. This veteran unit continues to demonstrate her operational capability, adapting to new challenges and technologies such as the C-UXV defense systems and improved ‘Mistral’ battery viewfinders that have been tested throughout transit.

The deployment of the ‘Santa María’ reinforces the commitment of the Armada to defend national interests and Spanish society through an international operation.


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