Meeting between the Chief of Staff of the Armada and the Secretary of the U.S. Navy

Friday, December 20, 2024

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The AJEMA and the SECNAV
The AJEMA and the SECNAV
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The AJEMA and the SECNAV

The Chief of Staff of the Armada, (AJEMA) Admiral General Antonio Piñeiro Sánchez, and the U.S. Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV), Carlos del Toro, held a meeting this morning at Rota Naval Base as part of Mr. Del Toro's last official visit to Spain as Secretary of the Navy and before returning to his country. The SECNAV has chosen Spain as the last country to visit before leaving office.

At this meeting, the SECNAV awarded Admiral General Piñeiro the Legion of Merit, a United States military decoration created by Franklin Roosevelt on July 20, 1942, and awarded for exceptionally meritorious conduct in the performance of outstanding service and achievement to members of the Armed Forces of the United States and allied nations.

During the simple but poignant ceremony, Mr. Del Toro thanked His Majesty the King, Felipe VI, the Spanish government, the Armada and the Marines for all the support received during his time as SECNAV.

The SECNAV also praised the figure of Admiral General Piñeiro for the importance he has had in the relations between both countries and between both Naval Services, thanks to his outstanding leadership with which he has conducted these relations.


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