The Armada will continue with the deployments of an Aeronaval/Amphibious Task Group in the Mediterranean during 2025

Saturday, January 25, 2025

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Deployment 'DÉDALO'
Deployment 'DÉDALO'
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Deployment 'DÉDALO'

The Armada will deploy the Expeditionary Combat Task Group “Dédalo” in Mediterranean waters up to three times during the year 2025 to express Spain's firm commitment to the Alliance's Deterrence and Defense Policy.

The Task Group will be made up by all the vectors that constitute a naval power capable of projecting a naval force ashore. Namely, an LHD-type amphibious ship and/or LPDs with a reinforced Marine Corps battalion and a complete role-2 medical unit, F100 and FFG frigates, fixed wing aircraft, tactical transport helicopters and an auxiliary oiler and replenishment ship.

These deployments will also serve to show the Armada’s capability to lead and project an expeditionary force at sea and from the sea and, where appropriate, integrate and interoperate with other units or naval groups from the rest of Allied countries.

Likewise, the “Dédalo” deployments will continue to strengthen the image of the Armed Forces in the international context and value the strategic relationship and close collaboration of the Armada with the National Defense Industry, since all the units to be deployed are of indigenous design and construction, and have a high level of Spanish technology in their equipment and systems.

The first two deployments will be before summer, while the third will be as of September.


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