The OPV ‘Relámpago’ starts a new deployment in the West Coast of Africa

Tuesday, February 04, 2025

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Speech of the Maritime Action Admiral during the farewell ceremony
Speech of the Maritime Action Admiral during the farewell ceremony
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Speech of the Maritime Action Admiral during the farewell ceremony
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Family members and friends of the OPV’s crew in the port of Las Palmas
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The Admiral and friends bidding farewell to the ship’s crew
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OPV ‘Relámpago’

The offshore patrol vessel (OPV) ‘Relámpago’ based at the Military Arsenal of Las Palmas (Canary Islands), set sail on February 3 to begin a deployment along the west coast of Africa and the Gulf of Guinea.

Among her main tasks, and within the framework of the Coordinated Maritime Presence Gulf of Guinea (CMP-GoG) of the European Union, a series of maritime surveillance and security drills will be carried out. Also scheduled are collaboration and cooperation activities, in addition to a reinforcement of Spain's presence in this African region, for the benefit of the national interests of the different regional countries.

The crew of the 'Relámpago' will carry out support, instruction and training tasks, both in port and at sea, to increase the maritime security capabilities of coastal nations.

On the other hand –as the OPV 'Meteoro' did in the previous deployment between September and December 2024– the 'Relámpago' will embark and deploy the AIRFOX aerial drones (UAVs), which are an additional support in the tasks of surveillance and maritime security.

Finally, the 'Relámpago' will also support the Spanish diplomatic delegations in the region, with the aim of contributing to the State’s foreign policy and strengthening national interests in the region.

The vessel, which is part of the Maritime Action Force, will be integrated during this deployment into the Maritime Operational Command based in Cartagena, and under the operational control of the Operations Command (MOPS in its Spanish initials).

EU’s Coordinated Maritime Presence

The deployment of OPV 'Relámpago' is a decisive contribution to strengthening the European Union’s initiative on coordinated maritime presences as an effective instrument for improving maritime security in the area, and enhancing cooperation between the EU and West and Central African states.

Spain, as a partner fully committed to European security and defense, is one of the main contributors to this EU initiative.


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