On February 27, the 8th MC Expeditionary Force in the Lebanon –integrated into the ‘Lebanon Brigade’ (BRILIB XVIII)– celebrated its 476th Anniversary in the theatre of operations. The festivities consisted, among other things, in a Parade presided over by Brigadier General Teodoro Baños, Commander of the Lebanon Brigade.
The ceremony had a special significance since it was the last anniversary the Marine Corps will celebrate in the Lebanon, as the FIMEX LH-VII is scheduled to re-deploy in Spain next May once its mission in Operation ‘Libre Hidalgo’ comes to an end.
During the military celebration the Corps paid tribute to those who gave their lives for Spain, especially the Marines who died in the Theatre of Operations working during the preparations before the actual deployment.
Since their landing in Tyre in the summer of 2006 paving the way for the rest of the Force, the Marines have greatly contributed to this peace-keeping operation and the stability in such war-stricken territory.
More than 1,500 Marines have been out on patrol watching over large territories south of Litani River, securing peace and stability in the area.
With these celebrations, homage was paid to the historical legacy of the oldest Marine Corps in the world, highlighting the values and virtues of this military corps which holds the motto: ¡Valientes por Tierra y por Mar! (‘Brave by Land and by Sea’).