The Spanish Marine Corps participates in the development of a Special Operations Unit in Cape Verde

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

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Signing of the agreement between Spanish and Cape Verde authorities
Signing of the agreement between Spanish and Cape Verde authorities
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Signing of the agreement between Spanish and Cape Verde authorities
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Signing ceremony
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Initial physical training of future instructors

During an initial two-month period, 12 Spanish Marine Corps members will train future instructors of the newly established Special Operations Unit of the Cape Verde National Guard.

The Spanish contingent is made up of 8 members from the Special Naval Warfare Force (FGNE in its Spanish initials); 2 explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) specialists, and 2 members from the Protection Force. They arrived at Praia, capital city of Cape Verde, tasked with the mission of providing assistance and training to the Armed Forces of that nation.

The scheduled two-month training program will focus on expert advice oriented towards the establishment of a Special Operations Unit within the Armed Forces’ organizational structure. The plan includes techniques on special operations, search and location of explosives, EOD procedures, and protection of designated personalities and facilities.

The signing ceremony of the agreement was presided over by the Chief of Military Assistance, MC Major Jorge Alonso Búrdalo, and attended by several Cape Verde civilian and military authorities.


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