FLOTEX-22 manoeuvers come to an end after 12 days of intense training.

Friday, June 24, 2022

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Exercise FLOTEX-22 has concluded
Exercise FLOTEX-22 has concluded
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Exercise FLOTEX-22 has concluded
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Exercise FLOTEX-22 has concluded
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Exercise FLOTEX-22 has concluded

Today, June 24th the FLOTEX-22 manoeuvers, which have consisted of a series of advanced joint training drills have been successfully completed.

Since the 13th of this month, more than 50 units and 4,000 troops from the three Spanish Services, as well as a number of foreign armies have participated in these training, coordination and interoperability exercises.

The maneuvers have provided a suitable scenario for training in naval operations. They have been programmed by the Fleet Commander (ALFLOT) and led by the Marine Corps General Commandant (COMGEIM), supported by the High Readiness Maritime Headquarters (CGMAD in its Spanish initials).


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