The Chief of Staff of the Spanish Navy (AJEMA) presides over the handover ceremony of the new Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy.

Monday, October 30, 2023

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The incoming Master Chief Petty Officer of the Spanish Navy.
The incoming Master Chief Petty Officer of the Spanish Navy.
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The incoming Master Chief Petty Officer of the Spanish Navy.
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The AJEMA delivering a speech.
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AJEMA with the incoming and outgoing Master Chief Petty Officers.

Today, the Chief of Staff Admiral General Antonio Piñeiro Sanchez (AJEMA), presided over the handover ceremony of the Master Chief Petty Officer of the Spanish Navy. Chief Petty Officer José Javier Álvarez Ochoa took over from the outgoing Chief Petty Officer Francisco Ramon Alcoba Torres.

The ceremony took place at the Navy’s Headquarters in Madrid and was attended by Staff admirals and general officers in addition to his NCO counterparts, the Senior Non-Commissioned Officers of the Army, the Air Force, and the Ministry of Defense, accompanied by other military and civilian personnel stationed in Madrid.

The Chief Petty Officer of the Navy is a Senior NCO of recognized prestige, personally appointed by the AJEMA to whom he reports directly, as close collaborator, and advises on personnel issues affecting non-commissioned officers, soldiers and ratings. The Chief Petty Officer of the Navy, with his example, sense of responsibility, professional competence and leadership, is a permanent reference for non-commissioned officers and ratings.


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