Last flight of a Spanish Navy’s AB-212 helicopter in Operation ‘Atalanta’

Thursday, February 29, 2024

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Last flight of an AB-212 from the 3rd Aircraft Squadron
Last flight of an AB-212 from the 3rd Aircraft Squadron
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Last flight of an AB-212 from the 3rd Aircraft Squadron

VIDEO: Last flight of a Spanish Navy’s AB-212 helicopter

On February 14th, in the Gulf of Aden, an AB-212 helicopter flew for the last time as part of the Third Aircraft Squadron in Operation ‘Atalanta’ after having participated in 9 deployments. The first one on board the AOR ‘Marqués de la Ensenada’ in 2009 and the last one on board the frigate ‘Victoria’.

The Third Squadron was set up in 1965 with Bell-204 helicopters, and in 1974 the first AB-212 choppers arrived. Until 1987 they were tasked with anti-submarine, electronic and surface warfare, and since that year, they undertook transport of Marine Corps personnel. During the deployments in Operation ‘Atalanta’, this aircraft has been a very reliable ally for the transport of MC Special Operations squads.

Dubbed ‘GATO’ (their tactical call sign in Spanish) these helicopters have conducted missions of intelligence, SAR, and shipping control, thus becoming an airborne extension of the ship’s sensors.

It is worth mentioning the work carried out not only by the pilots and crews, but by the maintenance personnel who, although not part of the ship’s complement as such, they were nevertheless an integral part of the total workforce. We will miss their silhouette flying over waters of the Indian Ocean and over the ship’s deck.


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