Minehunter ‘Segura’ (M-31) to integrate into NATO’s Standing Group in the Mediterranean.

Thursday, March 07, 2024

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Minehunter ‘Segura’ leaving her homeport.
Minehunter ‘Segura’ leaving her homeport.
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Minehunter ‘Segura’ leaving her homeport.
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The MCM Commander embarking on the ‘Segura’.

The minehunter ‘Segura’ left her homeport in Cartagena (SE Spain) on March 6th to integrate into NATO’s Standing Mine Countermeasures (MCM) Group number Two (SNMCMG-2). During the last year, the ‘Segura’ was engaged in an intense readiness period to be fully operational for this deployment.

The SNMCMG-2 is one of NATO’s rapid reaction forces. These groups allow the Alliance to have a permanent maritime capability to operate in a possible conflict or crisis, and also participate in other type of activities in peacetime like naval presence, diplomatic visits, or participate in exercises to enhance NATO’s capabilities to intervene in future operations.

In this deployment, the M-31 will be tasked with the mission of guaranteeing the freedom of navigation, hunting for mines or other explosive devices, and surveilling the seabed and approaches of designated Mediterranean ports.

The ship will participate in national and international exercises calling at different ports, thus underlining Spain’s commitment with the defense and security of the Alliance.

In addition, the ‘Segura’ will provide support to other international missions like the counter-terrorist operation ‘Sea Guardian’ in the Mediterranean Sea.


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