Frigate ‘Numancia’ leaves Rota to integrate into Operation ‘Atalanta’

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

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The ‘Numancia’ leaving Rota Naval Base
The ‘Numancia’ leaving Rota Naval Base
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The ‘Numancia’ leaving Rota Naval Base
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The Fleet Commander on the frigate for the farewell ceremony
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Leaving the pier
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Crew members saying goodbye to their families

Yesterday, May 27, the frigate 'Numancia', under command of Cdr. Alfredo Saco, sailed from Rota Naval Base heading for the Indian Ocean to integrate into Operation ‘Atalanta’ for the next five months. There, she will operate as flagship of the mission, relieving her sister ship, the ‘Canarias’ which has been deployed in the area since last February.

The ‘Numancia’ is scheduled to make a port call in the African port of Djibouti where, on June 20, Spanish Rear Admiral Manuel Alvargonzález will take command of the 47th EUNAVFOR rotation of Operation ‘Atalanta’. In addition to her own capabilities, the ‘Numancia’ has embarked a Marine Corps Security Team (EOS), and an Airborne Unit made up of a SH60-F helicopter and a 'Scan Eagle' UAV system. The frigate will also deploy an advanced medical-surgical team, trained to perform surgical interventions on board, if necessary.

This mission is particularly important in view of the resurgence of Somali pirate activities, and aims to establish a safe maritime environment in the Horn of Africa region, a vital area for maritime traffic and of great significance to national interests, as it provides protection to World Food Program (WFP) vessels.


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