EU-NAVFOR Somalia.- FFG "Santa María" (F-81)

EU-NAVFOR Somalia.- FFG "Santa María" (F-81)

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EU-NAVFOR Somalia.- FFG "Santa María" (F-81)
EU-NAVFOR Somalia.- FFG "Santa María" (F-81)
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EU-NAVFOR Somalia.- FFG "Santa María" (F-81)

On November 5 2022, after completing her operational qualification and the necessary readiness for deployment, the FFG frigate ‘Santa María’ (F-81) left Rota Naval Base to join the EU-led Operation ATALANTA. Commanded by Cdr. Alfonso Moreno, its mission is to contribute to enhance maritime security in the Indian Ocean and prevent acts of piracy mainly in the coasts of the Horn of Africa.

In addition, this operation aims to secure the delivery of World Food Program (WFP) material, protect vulnerable shipping in the area, and monitor possible illicit activities in the zone, such as illegal fishing or illicit trafficking.

This is the fourth time the ‘Santa Maria’ takes part in the operation and, as of November 14 – after relieving her sister ship ‘Numancia’ – the F-81 will act as flagship of the ‘Force Commander’ (currently a Portuguese admiral) and his multinational staff.

To successfully carry out its mission, the ship’s crew has been augmented with a Special Operations Security Team, an Embarked Air Unit made up of an AB-212 helicopter and its support personnel and a SCAN EAGLE UAV system, as well as a medical team (ROLE-2) capable of performing surgical interventions on board.

Participation in Operation ATALANTA is part of Spain's firm commitment to the European Union's Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP), which aims at providing a comprehensive response and contribute to international stability and security.


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