Purpose of the mission

Purpose of the mission

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Despliegue Africano BAM "Furor" (P-46)
Despliegue Africano BAM "Furor" (P-46)
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Despliegue Africano BAM "Furor" (P-46)
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OPV ‘FUROR’ (P-46). African Deployment

The offshore patrol vessel ‘Furor’ (P-46), the most modern unit of the Spanish Navy, will deploy during the next three months (February 25 - May 31) in the western coast of Africa, mainly in waters of the Gulf of Guinea. During this period, in which she will remain integrated as part of the operational structure of the Armed Forces, the P-46 will conduct several activities aimed at supporting the training of naval units and personnel of the coastal countries to be visited. The patrol vessel is also scheduled to participate in multinational exercises and other missions of different nature, all of them related to the State action abroad.

This mission, organized by the Ministry of Defense and the Spanish Navy as part of the Defense Diplomacy Plan, has been designed to improve the capabilities of these coastal countries by using Navy personnel and the ship herself to train and advise in the field of activities related to maritime security and the awareness of the maritime domain, as well as other basic areas such as firefighting drills, damage control or diving exercises.

During the deployment, the ship will participate in the international exercise ‘Obangame Express 2021’, focused precisely on Maritime Security aspects, with the aim of increasing the know-how and preparation of the participating navies in operations related to piracy, illegal trafficking, fishing control and shipping protection, among other activities. Several western navies, including units from the United States, Portugal and France, will also participate in this exercise.

This deployment also contemplates the implementation of the pilot project of the European Union called ‘Coordinated Maritime Presence’ (CMP) in the Gulf of Guinea and the formation of joint patrols with units from coastal countries, which will favor the exchange of information and reinforce the knowledge transmitted.


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