Information ‘Álvaro de Bazán’ Archive Museum

The Museum of the Álvaro de Bazán Archive is located inside the Renaissance palace of the Marquis of Santa Cruz in Viso del Marqués (Ciudad Real). The Palace suffered the consequences of the 1755 Lisbon earthquake and other mishaps during the Napoleonic invasion of Spain. The building was turned into a barn and barracks until 1948 when the owners – the Marquises have always had strong ties with the Navy – offered the building to the Spanish Navy for the symbolic rent of 1 peseta per year for the next 90 years. The Spanish Navy restored and refurbished the building becoming the Navy’s General Archive and, as such, part of the national archive network system. It treasures more than 80,000 dossiers and files with the history of the Spanish Navy from 1784 to the times of the Spanish Civil War.

  • Plaza del Pradillo 12 - 13770 Viso del Marqués; Ciudad Real

Hours and Admission
  • Tuesday to Sunday (09.00 – 13.00 and 16.00 – 18.00)

  • July and August (09.00 – 14.00) Closed on July 16th

  • Free. A €3 voluntary contribution is requested.

    • Contact
      • Library: 09.00 – 13.00 and 16.00 – 18.00

      • There is a shop, and guided visits can be arranged in advance.


Museo cerrado el martes 14 de junio por grabación.

Archivo permanecerá abierto


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