Número de imágenes+ 7
Imagen Costa Cálida
Costa Cálida
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Imagen Costa Cálida
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Imagen Escudo Región de Murcia
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Imagen Federación Murciana Orientación
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Imagen Cartagena
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Imagen Cartagena
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Imagen Cartagena
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Imagen Cartagena
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Imagen Federación Española Orientación

The city of Cartagena is bounded by five small hills called: Monte de la Concepción, Cerro del Molinete, Monte de San José, Monte Sacro and Cerro de Despeñaperros.

It is a port city open to the Mediterranean Sea through a wide bay. The port of Cartagena currently has two wharfs: One is in the inner harbour of Escombreras, where different industries are located, and the other is the main wharf for the city itself. Between them both is the nearest of our beaches, Cala Cortina, equipped with all the required facilities.

The natural port of Cartagena, is delimited by the island of Escombreras (east) and the hill of La Torrosa (west). Its entrance is guarded by a series of castles and coastal batteries dating from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries.

The city is the seat of the Regional Assembly, legislative body of the Autonomous Community.

Cartagena has two natural protected areas: to the west, the beaches of Cabo Tiñoso, including El Portús Beach, and to the east the beaches that are located in the regional park of Calblanque and Cala Reona.

Tourist Information Office


Plaza Puertas de San José, s/n 30202

Telef: 968 128 955 ext. 1

Opening hours:

From Tuesday to Friday from 09:30 to 14:00h

Saturday: From 10:30 to 12:30h

Tourist Information Office


Palacio Consistorial. Pza. del Ayuntamiento, 1


968 128 955

Opening Hours October - April:

Monday to Saturday from 10:00 to 13:30 and from 16:00 to 18:00h. Sunday and Bank Holiday fom 10:30 to 13:30h

Tourist Information Point


C / Gisbert 10

Hours from 15 March to 30 June and from 16 September to 1 November

Tuesday to Sunday from 10 : 00 to 19:00 (Easter Monday to Sunday)

One of the most singular products of Cartagena's cuisine is salted fish. The salting is a technique of conservation of fish using salt that the Romans already used in this area.

Another singularity applied to the gastronomy of Cartagena is the Almadraba of the Azohía, an art of fishing with a network system anchored to the bottom and close to the coast that is installed between February and June, when tuna spawn in the Mediterranean.

The main fish dish of the traditional cuisine and its countryside is undoubtedly the caldero, combining rice and fish from the Mediterranean and Mar Menor.

A variety of products from the Campo de Cartagena such as peas, artichokes, tomatoes that are eaten raw or accompanied by salted fish and fresh raw green beans, the latter when dried, are used to another important dish of Cartagena's cuisine: the michirones.

Following with traditional gastronomy, it is worth mentioning the broth with meatballs from the Campo de Cartagena, with special mention of the Galilean meatballs that are prepared every 16th January in Pozo Estrecho district.

All these dishes can be accompanied with white, sweet, red and rosé wines of excellent quality with Protected Geographical Indication of the "Campo de Cartagena".

And, of course, the coffee, the Asiático a coffee blended with condensed milk, cognac, cinnamon, Licor 43 and some lemon rind. All served in an exclusive glass cup made for this sole purpose.


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