

The Ministry of Defense, aware of the importance of environmental protection, has been undertaking since 1997 a series of actions and measures that take into account the Ministry’s specific missions with the objectives of environmental protection included in Article 45 of the Spanish Constitution.

The Ministry of Defense's policy on conservation and environmental protection is based on the concept of sustainable development, that is to say, making technological development compatible with the respect for nature. This policy includes the prevention and fight against pollution of the environment, including those aimed at minimizing spills, limiting toxic noises and fumes, and controlling and evaluating the consequences of all kinds of military activities on nature.

Among the basic principles on which the environmental policy of the Ministry of Defense is based, are the pre-existing EU and national principles for prevention, protection and improvement of the environment, including risk responses and the efficient use of existing resources or impact management.

As a result of this commitment to the protection and conservation of the environment, the Ministry of Defense is playing an active role participating in forums and working groups, in which initiatives aimed at the protection and improvement of the environment are put forward and analyzed.


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