Environmental management system


The environmental management system is defined by ISO 14001 and European EMAS (Eco-Management and Audit Scheme) regulations. It contemplates the organizational structure, planning of activities, responsibilities, procedures and available resources in order to develop, implement, review and maintain an up-to-date and comprehensive environmental policy.

Environmental management system
Environmental management system

ISO 14001 provides the Spanish Navy with the adequate management instruments to improve sustainable environmental issues without neglecting the economic-related aspects.

The most outstanding advantages for the Spanish Navy of an ISO 14001 certification are:

  • Fulfil with environmental legislation assuring control and implementation of all environmental-related legal requirements.
  • Improve the Spanish Navy image with national and international organizations and the public in general.
  • Improve garbage removal procedures, especially for dangerous products, reducing the generation of debris.
  • Avoid soil, water and air pollution improving the control of harmful emissions and discharges, thus contributing to preserve the environment.
  • Reduce energy use (electricity, fuel, water and raw materials).
  • Avoid sanctions for non-compliance with environmental regulations.
  • Enhance management procedures to avoid environmental risks.
  • Provide a comprehensive working system to meet all planned environmental matters, improving internal communication channels.
  • Help standardize working procedures in the whole Navy structure.
  • Improve maintenance routines to fulfil environmental regulations.
  • Enhance environmental awareness in all the organization’s personnel.
  • Continuous improvement in the efficient use of raw materials and search for new cost-saving practices.
Environmental management system
Environmental management system

Implementation of ISO 14001 has been very positive for the Spanish Navy. So far, there are 26 operational units with this management system already implemented with significant environmental advancements in the areas concerned.

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Environmental management system
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Environmental management system

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