
Tactical, Instruction and Training Programmes

With advice and support from the U.S. Navy, the CPT-CIA Center was set up back in the 70’s when the Spanish Navy organized its first Task Group centered around an aircraft carrier and four FFG escorts.

The Combat Systems were developed between 1981 and 1985 at the US premises of SPERRY Inc. with participation of Spanish Navy engineers, analysts, programmers and instructors.

The Center was officially inaugurated on January 16th 1985 in Rota Naval Base. The original building was subsequently extended and it currently houses the Programs Section, the Analysis Group of Naval Operations and the Tactical Board. A Combat Information Center (CIC) simulator was installed in the summer of 1985 with the related equipment used to develop and test the ships’ operational programs. The first crew to receive these courses was that of the frigate ‘Santa María’ (F-81).

Another Naval Tactical and Standard Procedures simulator was installed in the year 2002. In 2004, a support center for the Link-16 (a military tactical data exchange network) was also mounted to coordinate all Link-16 activities of the ships.


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