Civilian shipbuilding

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This shipbuilding collection covers all models of non-military vessels, from fishing boats, merchant navy or pleasure boats to votive models. Its chronology ranges from the Middle Ages to the present day and is very diverse, from the Mediterranean cog, the galleon or the caravel, to 19th century fishing models from different parts of the Iberian Peninsula. The collection is completed with objects related to these areas, such as traditional and industrial fishing equipment and models, among others.

Historical reconstructions

The most important section of this collection is made up of models of merchant, fishing and sporting navies, most of which were made in the 19th century. They represent small vessels used for coastal shipping, river fishing and passenger transport, mainly from the Iberian Peninsula, but also from the former colonies. There are also reproductions of models of ancient Mediterranean navigation and of the ships used in the discovery of the New World, including models of the reconstructions of the caravels "Pinta", "Niña" and the larger ship "Santa María".

Votive offerings

The Naval Museum conserves a series of votive models that are of great interest in the study of shipbuilding. These include the "Model of a Flemish Galleon" made in 1593, possibly from the collection of Philip II, and the reproduction of the votive offering of a mid-16th century galleon from the sanctuary of La Consolación in Utrera.


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