Academic offer

NCO School

The Non-Commission Officers' School organizes the following training and advanced courses:

Training Courses
  • CAES (Access course to the NCO's Specialties Corps).

  • CMM (Access course to the NCO's Military Music Corps).

  • ARV (Basic Military Training Corse for voluntary reserve non-commissioned officers).

Advanced Courses
  • CASMA (Advanced course for promotion to Master Chief Petty Officer).

  • CACBRI (Advanced course for promotion to Senior Chief Petty Officer).

  • CACMA (Advanced course for promotion to Petty Officer Second Class).

  • CAGES (Administration and Management course for NCOs).

Language Department

The Language Department is the school where NCO students learn a foreign language, particularly English. Classes at the Language Department are usually geared towards communicative competence in a foreign language to be able to work and perform with efficiency.

The Department's goals are threefold:

  • To teach the appropriate language modules for access to the Spanish Navy and Marine Corps Non-Commissioned Officers List.

  • To organize courses for people posted in the Bay of Cadiz area taking the STANAG 6001 Language Test.

  • To establish examining boards for the language exams.

The Language Department has a headmaster and six teachers who work in the different classrooms, and the digital and multimedia labs.

Scientific, Naval and Military Knowledge Department

Its mission is to train students in those corporate values and traditions which stem from the very nature of the Navy and the military establishments.

Instruction and Training Department

This department is entrusted with the education of future Non-Commissioned Officers in military, and more specifically, naval values and customs. This section also trains NCOs in sailing techniques. To this end, the School has two sailing yachts which regularly participate in national races.

Health and Medical Department

The objective of this department is twofold: educational and clinical.

  • On the one hand, the clinic as such provides medical assistance to the School personnel whenever necessary; and

  • On the other, it organizes courses on first aid, naval medicine and basic life support procedures to be able to handle first level contingencies in Spanish Navy ships and facilities.


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