Pests control The Red Palm Weevil

Natural Environment Management

The red palm weevil is a widespread plague affecting most palm tree species including Canary Islands palm trees (Phoenix Canariensis). The species found at the Majorca Naval Station have been infected by this red color insect of Asian origin that can cause the death of the trees. It is very difficult to detect the presence of this weevil at the initial stage. Leaves begin to fall without prior notice and in a few weeks the trees die.

The Red Palm Weevil
The Red Palm Weevil

If the plague is detected at the earliest stage, the palm trees can be saved, but more important still is the need to prevent the disease from spreading.

The red palm weevil detected in the Majorca Naval Station was spotted very early on. In fact, only 3 palm trees, out of a population of more than 60, had to be cut down and burnt to avert an environmental disaster. The remaining trees were fumigated with plant-health treatments and, so far, the plague seems to have been eradicated.

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The Red Palm Weevil

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