
Imagen Fachada
The Naval Museum of Madrid is a state-owned national institution attached to the Ministry of Defence. Organically, the Museum belongs to the Admiral Chief of the Naval Staff office, through the Director of the Institute of Naval History and Culture; and functionally, to the General Technical Secretariat of the Ministry of Defence, through the Sub-Directorate General of Publications and Cultural Heritage.

Royal Decree 596/2014, of 11 July,, regulates the operation and basic structure of the Naval Museum, located in Madrid, its Royal Board of Trustees and its six Branches: the Maritime Museum of Torre del Oro (Seville), the Don Álvaro de Bazán Museum Archive in Viso del Marqués (Ciudad Real), the Naval Museum of Cartagena (Murcia), the Naval Museum of Ferrol (A Coruña), the Naval Museum of Las Palmas (Gran Canaria) and the Naval Museum of San Fernando (Cádiz).

The Naval Museum and its branches collaborate on the research, conservation and dissemination of the Spanish Navy's material and immaterial heritage, with the ultimate purpose of disseminating its history and its contribution to the progress of Spain in the institutional, social, cultural, economic and scientific realms.


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