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Proyecto 4E
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The purpose of this Spanish-led project is to develop the most important systems to be installed in the future European combat escorts, covering five areas:

  • Combat and Weapon Systems
  • Communications and Information Systems
  • Platform Control Systems
  • Navigation Systems

The new systems will provide the future European Union (EU) navies with the interoperability they need while maintaining NATO standards.

The modular configuration of the new escort ships under the 4E project will enhance the EU navies adaptability so as to answer both national and European strategic needs and trends.

In addition, given the versatility of naval escorts and the wide range of systems on board, the 4E project will largely focus on developing the following capabilities:

  • Information superiority and use of AI to support decision-making.
  • Cyber response capabilities in the maritime environment.
  • Air superiority by developing A2AD and anti-missile systems.
  • Development of cross-cutting capabilities that contribute to reaching the EU level of ambition, such as non-inertial independent satellite-navigation systems, smart damage control system, and efficient energy and propeller systems with reduced radiation and IR signature. In particular, the efficient energy and propeller systems will have a positive impact on pollution reduction, thus supporting the fight against global warming.

The 4E project will result in ships equipped with cutting-edge technology, capable of meeting the operational needs in the most demanding theatres, and facilitating interoperability and logistical support among nations, as the systems to be developed share a common design.


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