The NATO-BRASS (Broadcast and Ship to Shore) system is the NATO HF maritime communications network, providing automated support for communications between Naval Commands and their deployed Forces.
In Spain, the implementation of the Sp BRASS System involved the upgrading of the Madrid, Cádiz and Canary Islands Radio Stations, and the Communications Centres (CECOMs) of Madrid and La Flota (Rota, Cádiz).
BLOS (Beyond Line of sight) communications, between shore stations and naval units, are essential. The satellite is the major means used to enable this kind of communications, as it affords higher speed services. However, HF communications, despite having lower speeds, are regaining great importance, notably for the following reasons:
For these reasons, most nations continue to use HF communications, often as an alternative to satellite communications.
The BRE1TA system (first enhancement of BRASS), a project of the NATO Communications and Information Agency (NCI Agency), in Spain involves upgrading the communications systems of the Spanish Navy's HF radio navigation stations, in order to provide them with IP technology over HF radio.