As stated in the EUMSS (European Union Maritime Security Strategy), the sea is a valuable source of growth and prosperity for the European Union (EU) and its citizens. The EU depends on accessible, safe and secure seas and oceans for economic development, free trade, transport, energy security, tourism and a healthy marine environment.
According to the latest report on the implementation of the EUMSS Action Plan, the European maritime security has significantly improved in recent years in several areas, including international or regional cooperation, information exchange, capacity building, risk management and training.
All this notwithstanding, global challenges and risks in the maritime domain continue to increase.
CISE and MARSUR are two European Union initiatives designed for promoting information exchange.
CISEThe Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) is a European Union initiative led by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA).
European agencies from different sectors with responsibility over specific areas related to maritime safety, have signed a cooperation agreement whereby they undertake to exchange information so as to enhance Awareness of the Maritime Environment.
The Spanish Navy has participated in this program since it began in 2019, and has its own CISE node, encompassing several bureaus:
The CISE network is currently in a pre-operational phase, after evolving to a version 2 that will enhance information exchange capabilities. This system is expected to be fully operational in 2023.
The Spanish Navy has responsibility over several sectors, and is strongly committed to developing this programme.