Commandant General of the Spanish Marine Corps

Commandant General of the Spanish Marine Corps.

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Major General Rafael Roldán Tudela
Major General Rafael Roldán Tudela
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Major General Rafael Roldán Tudela

Major General Rafael Roldán Tudela (Spanish Marine Corps)

Commandant Spanish Marine Corps

Major General Rafael Roldán Tudela was born in Villacarrillo (Jaén) on February 22, 1961. He joined the Navy in 1980 and received his commission in 1985. That same year, he was assigned as a Rifle Platoon Commander at Marine Corps Brigade “Tercio de Armada”, where a majority of his career has been spent.

As a Captain in 1st Landing Battalion, he commanded Special Operations Team-2 and 1st Company. While assigned to the Amphibious Mechanized Group, he commanded Mechanized Company and Light Armor Reconnaissance Company. Additionally, he served as Operations Chief for Special Operations, where he deployed as an observer for the European Economic Community mission in the former Yugoslavia in 1995.

As a major, he was the Chief of the Operations Section of the Amphibious Mechanized Group, and Second Landing Battalion. Similarly, he was Chief of the Organization and Staff Section of the Marine Corps Brigade “Tercio de Armada”.

In 2001, he was assigned to the Director General of Defense Policy in the Plans and International Relations Division. In July 2003, he was promoted to Lieutenant Colonel and remained at his post until July 2006.

As a Lieutenant Colonel, he commanded First Landing Battalion, Marine Corps Brigade “Tercio de Armada”. From March to June 2007, he led the Multinational Battalion for operation "ALTHEA" in Sarajevo (Bosnia-Herzegovina). In July 2008, he was assigned to the Operations Command of the General Staff of Defense, Special Operations Section.

As a Colonel, from July 2013 to 2016, he was the Director of the Marine Infantry School "General Albacete y Fuster". He then served as Chief of the Resources Section of the Plans Division within the Navy. In January 2018, he was appointed to the rank of Brigadier General and assumed command of Marine Corps Brigade “Tercio de Armada”.

Since 23th March 2021 he has been appointed Commandant Spanish Marine Corps.

He is a graduate of Naval Warfare and Special Operations. He specializes in Mechanized Amphibious Warfare and has completed advanced studies from the NATO Defense College.

He is married and has three children.


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